Christmas French Workshops 2022

French workshops for Adults, Teenagers, Kids in this Xmas


-Suitable for complete beginners or beginners (Intermediate for Adults only)

-Face-to-face mode (Wan chai centre) or online mode (Zoom)

-Small group size (Maximum 6 students)

-Language will be French supplemented with English for explanation

-2 hours per session (55 mins : learning + 55 mins : activities + 10 mins break)


French Workshop for Adults

  • Explore French culture (e.g. Holidays in France, Christmas traditions and more)
  • Learn basic everyday French phrases (e.g. Greetings, self-introduction, Christmas activities, French calendar etc.)
  • Start and follow a basic conversation in French
  • Workshops for DELF A1-A2 (Beginners), B1-B2 (Intermediates)

French Workshop for Teens

  • Designed for teenagers (12-17 y.o.)
  • Learn French through Christmas party and activities
  • Learn vocabularies about self-introduction, greetings, how to ask a question and Holidays special expressions.

French Workshop for Kids

  • Designed for children (6-8 y.o., 9-11 y.o.)
  • Combine energetic games and engaging language learning activities (e.g. Greetings, colours, numbers, Christmas holidays)
  • Christmas handicraft and songs


Sessions Description

  • Kids

Session A : Alphabet + Christmas in France

Session B : Numbers + Christmas songs

Session C : Greetings + My Wishlist

Session D : Colours + My Christmas card

Session E : My class + My new year project

Session F : My family + Winter mimes

  • Teens

Session A : Pronounciation / numbers + French expressions

Session B : Greetings + Self-introduction

Session C : Daily routine + Role plays

Session D : Calendar & time + Holidays in France

Session E : Weather & Transports + Directions

Session F : How to ask a question + Interview

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Regular French Group Course

Start from level 1

Online Mode

Learn anywhere, anytime

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