E-course : Self-Study French

Why choose our e-course to self-study French ?
Whether you're planning a trip to France or simply want to learn a new language, our self-study French materials for beginners are the perfect starting point. With easy-to-reuse sentences to tackle different situations you can encounter during your travel, practice exams, and videos to practice your pronunciation during conversations.

What do I need ?

- Computer/ Tablet
- Good internet connection
- Motivation to self-study

Online lessons or workshops

You can book private online lesson or join one of our online workshops to practice what you self-studied with our e-course.

Boost My French : Travel in France 1
Our first e-course to self-study is perfect for :
- total beginners or beginners who want to prepare and brush up their French ahead of a future trip to France
This e-course will include :
- videos, PDF to review, exercises & tests.
- introduction to French pronunciation, alphabet & numbers.
- easy conversations in various situations : at a restaurant, at a café, at a train station & more... (5 topics with exercises, videos, and PDF revision sheet)
- vocabulary list to memorise
200+ minutes of videos

with PDF for Revisions


Self-Assessment with correction

How does it work ?
1. Check our preview
2. Contact us and confirm payment

3. Get a link and enjoy unlimited access to our e-course LV1